This unit covers the competencies required to conserve and preserve library materials. Competencies include; Conserving information material, determining the nature of the information, identifying deterioration of information material, preserving information material, restoring information material, performing reprography of information material, storing information material, applying ICT in conservation of information material and recognizing emerging trends and issues in material conservation.

This unit covers the competencies required to manage record: Competencies includes: establishing regulatory and social environment, determining principal areas of risk requiring recordkeeping strategy, determining record requirements for each business function and establishing recordkeeping framework for organization

This unit specifies the competencies required to monitor compliance with copyright and license requirement. It includes: ensuring compliance with copyright legislation, monitoring licenses for digital rights management, assessing risks associated with copyright, documenting the copyright risks and sensitizing users on copyright laws

This unit covers the competencies required to search library and information database.

Competencies include; identifying and access databases, giving access to library information and conducting orientation on use of database

This unit covers the competencies required to analyse information resources. It includes: identifying description requirements, analysing the needed resources, describing resources and format descriptions and reviewing description practices and procedures